How to Bid on Aircraft


Anyone who accepts ORA’s terms and conditions may bid, unless otherwise informed.


You must have a valid email address to place an on-line bid. Please choose one of the following three methods to access the ORA Aircraft Salvage Website.

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Establish an account
  3. Enter as a guest

Please skip the next two steps if you are already a registered user. Registered users may simply log in.

To establish a new account:

  1. Please click on the register button on the Login screen.
  2. Choose a username and password. Enter all required information.
  3. It is important to accurately enter account information which will be required by the FAA for registration and title of the aircraft if you are the awardee.
  4. Click on Register

To bid as a guest:

  1. Click on the “Enter as Guest” button.
  2. Read the Terms & Conditions
  3. Click the “I agree to Old Republic Aerospace Salvage Terms & Conditions” button to continue.

Registered users may make changes to their contact information at any time, by clicking on the “My Salvage” link. On the right hand side, click on “Contact info”. To change a password, click on “Account password”.


"Quick Bids" - You can enter the amount you are bidding on for each aircraft and submit your bids on this screen without having to go into each description. You can either use the “confirm bids” bar on the right hand side or the “confirm bids” button on the bottom of the page.

To view detailed information on an aircraft salvage, click on the “more” button below the aircraft listing. This provides you with a full description of the aircraft, including when available, photos, videos, documents, maps and more. You will also be able to place a bid on this screen.

If you are a registered user, you will be taken to a confirm bids page where you will have the option of reviewing your bids. You will also have the option to rescind/modify/remove your bid(s) before you submit them. Your contact /FAA/Title registration Info will already be set in place for you. You will not have to enter this information each time you make a bid. Click the box confirming that you have read and accept the terms and conditions and press the “place bids” button. You will receive a confirmation by email that your bids have been received.

If you are a guest, after you have placed your bids, a pop-up will appear asking if you would like to register for an account in order to save your bid history. If you choose to register, please follow the instructions above. If you prefer not to register, simply click “not now” and continue. This will take you to the confirm bids page, where you can confirm or remove bids. You will have to enter your contact / FAA / Registration information each time after you read and accept the terms and conditions and place your bid.

Only bids submitted through the ORA salvage aircraft website will be accepted.